Data Enquiry & Release Form
Download Aderyn Form Before we handle your data search we require you to complete a simple form. This form is tailored to the search packages carried out on Aderyn, the LERC Wales Biodiversity and Information Reporting Database.
Download FormIf your request does not fit with the options provided or you wish to make a non-commercial request, please use this form.
By completing this form you are supplying us with the information we need to deal with your enquiry and agreeing to our terms and conditions which will govern the use of the information we provide. Our Charges
WWBIC does not own its data but has the authority to manage and disseminate the information for the public benefit. Company Privacy Notice
Available Data
- Protected and Priority Species: EU and UK legally protected species, Section 7 Environment Act (Wales) 2016 species, UK BAP Priority species
- Other Species of Conservation Concern: UK BAP Species of Conservation Concern, Red Data Book and Nationally Scarce species, Bonn Convention species
- Locally Important Species: Local BAP species, locally rare and scarce species (as identified by local experts
- All Other Species: all other records held, including common and widespread species
- Statutory Designations: Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Biosphere Reserve, Local Nature Reserve, Marine Nature Reserve, National Nature Reserve, National Park, Ramsar Site, Special Area of Conservation, Special Protection Area, Site of Special Scientific Interest
- Non-Statutory Designations: Wildlife Trust Reserve (there are no SINCs within the WWBIC region)
- Phase I Habitat Survey (priority semi-natural habitats)
- Phase II Grassland Survey (National Vegetation Classification)
- Phase II Peatland Survey (National Vegetation Classification)
- Phase II Woodland Survey (National Vegetation Classification)
- Ancient Woodland Inventory (woodlands that have had continuous woodland cover for centuries) : Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland, Plantation on Ancient Woodland Site, Restored Ancient Woodland Site, Ancient Woodland Site of unknown category
- WBP Priority Habitats (as developed by the Ecosystems and Species Expert Groups)
- Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites
- NRW Marine data
Data Requests
Area-specific search reports are the most common product requested from Local Record Centres but we are also able to provide more general information for the region as well as custom-made, in-depth desktop surveys. Our reports can include information on species, statutory and non-statutory sites and habitats.
Our charges are dependent on the nature of your business (whether commercial or non-profit), and on the time it takes to serve your request. Our charge rates are lowered for the long-term funding partners who have contributed grant funds to the establishment of the service. We will endeavour to make general biodiversity information freely available to the public and to schools, mainly through the webpages on this site.
Please contact us for further information and feel free to send us any comments.
If your request for biodiversity information is part of a professional survey you may like to consider sharing the data you collect with us. By doing this, you will be making the information available for use by others and will contribute to overall knowledge of biodiversity.
Ecological data exempt from general release
Some of the information we hold is regarded as data exempt from general release by Natural Resources Wales in that it relates to the specific locations of, for example, breeding sites. NRW publish a list of ecological data exempt from general release and guidance on how these records should be managed.